- Function according to hang glider aerodynamics.
- You don't receive fall damage if you fall from a small height while flying slowly (not nose-diving).
- Still receive fall damage if you nose-dive directly into the ground.
- Receive damage from horizontal collisions, new death message: "Player experienced kinetic energy".
- Have to be equipped in the “chestplate” slot in order to work.
- Have 431 uses and can be repaired on an anvil using leather.
- Can be given the Unbreaking enchantment using an anvil or commands.
- Legs will make a “walking movement” animation when you are stalling in the air.
- Similar to the Wing Cap item from Super Mario 64.
- Found on End Ships within an item frame
- Wings fold while not gliding
- Cape not displayed while wearing
- Takes damage at a rate of 1/s
Command format
- Added the gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks.
- Determines whether players in spectator mode should generate chunks.
- Defaults to true.
- Scoreboard
- Added /scoreboard players tag ...
- The player can add and remove tags for any entity based on NBT tags of that entity/player.
- e.g. /scoreboard players tag @a test {OnGround:0b} will add the tag "test" to all players that are in the air.
- Tags can be accessed by using the parameters after the selector.
- e.g. /give @a[tag=test] stone 1 will give 1 stone to all players that have the tag "test".
- The player can use /scoreboard players tag
list to see what tags are on an entity. - Tags are stored in the playerdata file as strings, not in the scoreboard files.
- This means that any tag the player binds has to be bound to an existing online player or an existing entity.
- Unlike objectives, tags cannot be displayed anywhere on the HUD or inventory.
- Only via the list sub-command can the player see which tags an entity has on the chat.
- Through CommandStats it is possible to obtain the number of scoreboard tags an entity has via QueryResult.
- Added five new objective types: XP, hunger, oxygen, armor and level.
- "xp" can be used to track the players exact amount of XP points.
- "food" can be used to track the hunger level of the player (ranges from 0 to 20).
- "air" can be used to see how long the player has been underwater.
- Starts at 300 (out of water) and then decreases 1 per tick as long as the player´s head is underwater (resets when the player gets out of the water).
- The water breathing status effect freezes the timer and the respiration enchantment slows down the countdown from 300, each time more with each level.
- "armor" can be used to track the armor bar, which in turn tracks the total amount of protection of all currently worn armor pieces.
- "level" can be used to track the player's level directly, which is the number displayed above the experience bar.
- It is not directly correlated to the experience points, since increasing levels each time takes more xp than before.
- This could be tracked before, but it required some intermediate steps.
- Added collisionRule to the team options.
- It controls whether or not players can push other players and whether or not is team dependent.
- The modes are: always, never, pushOtherTeam, pushOwnTeam
- NBT tags
- All entities
- Glowing (byte): Controls whether or not an entity is affected by the new glowing status effect.
- e.g. /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Glowing:1} will summon a glowing creeper.
- Note this does not work on all entities, such as snowballs.
- Tags (list): Contains a list of string values that can be used with the "tag" selector parameter.
- The /scoreboard command can assign tags itself.
- /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Tags:["tag1","tag2"]}
- Passengers (list): Replaces the original "Riding" compound tag. It has the ability to specify multiple passengers at equal depths, unlike "Riding". Instead of the deepest-nested "Riding" entity being the bottom-most in the stack of riding entities, the entity at the root of the data is at the bottom of the stack.
- For example, the armor stand in the following command is at the bottom of the stack while the cow and pig are at the same depth:
- /summon ArmorStand ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:"Cow"},{id:"Pig"}]}
- One may also summon entities in stacks instead of the same height and with specific NBT tags attached to it:
- /summon Sheep ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:"Sheep",Color:5,Passengers:[{id:"Sheep",CustomName:"test",CustomNameVisible:1}]}]}
- All mobs
- HandItems (lists): Defines what item is within the main hand and offhand.
- It manages this by using two records, for the main hand and the offhand in that order.
- e.g. /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone"},{id:"minecraft:cobblestone"}]}
- ArmorItems (lists): Used to specify the armor worn by the mob.
- Contains four records: feet, legs, chest and head in that order.
- e.g. /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots"},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings"},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate"},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet"}]}
- LeftHanded (byte): Boolean tag that controls the dominant hand of mobs.
- Set to 1 for left handed mobs and 0 for right handed.
- e.g. /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {LeftHanded:1,HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone"}]}
- ArmorDropChances & HandDropChances (lists): Used to specify the dropping chances of worn armor and held items of specific mobs respectively.
- e.g. /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandDropChances:[1.0f,1.0f],HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone"},{id:"minecraft:cobblestone"}]}
- e.g. /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {ArmorDropChances:[2.0f,2.0f,2.0f,2.0f],ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots"},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings"},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate"},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet"}]}
- DeathLootTable (string): Determines which loot table will be used when the mob is killed.
- e.g. /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {DeathLootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"}
- DeathLootTableSeed (long): The deterministic seed for grabbing data from the loot table. Used in vanilla survival to replicate chest content in new worlds with same seeds. Must not be 0.
- e.g. /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {DeathLootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon",DeathLootTableSeed:123l}
- All items
- Slot string tag within AttributeModifiers (string): Determines which slot the item has to be, for the modifier to be applied.
- Available slots are: "mainhand", "offhand", "feet", "legs", "torso", "head".
- e.g. /give @p minecraft:leather_chestplate 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.maxHealth",Name:"Test",Amount:10.0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1l,UUIDMost:1l,Slot:"torso"}]}
- Players
- DataVersion (integer): Numerical value that states which version the player is playing within.
- It cannot be changed via commands, but it can be tested for.
- /scoreboard players set @a OBJ 1 {DataVersion:104}
- RootVehicle
- With the introduction of the "Passengers" tag, this new compound holds a copy of the entity the player is currently riding. "AttachLeast" and "AttachMost" are the UUIDLeast and UUIDMost of that entity, while "Entity" holds the actual data.
- /testfor @a {RootVehicle:{AttachLeast:1l,AttachMost:1l,Entity:{id:"Boat",CustomName:"Test"}}}
- Items: Potion
- Potion (string)
- Used to determine the type of potion it is using new name IDs.
- e.g. /give @p minecraft:lingering_potion 1 0 {Potion:"minecraft:long_invisibility"}
- Entity: ThrownPotion
- Lingering (byte)
- When Lingering is set to 1, the potion will create the AreaEffectCloud entity when it lands.
- Potion (compound)
- Holds the item data for the potion thrown.
- e.g. /summon ThrownPotion ~ ~1 ~ {Lingering:1,Potion:{id:"minecraft:lingering_potion",Count:1,tag:{Potion:"minecraft:long_invisibility"}}}
- Entity: TippedArrow
- Item (compound): Holds the item data for the specific tipped arrow.
- e.g. /summon TippedArrow ~ ~5 ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:tipped_arrow",Count:1,tag:{Potion:"minecraft:long_invisibility"}}}
- Entity: SpectralArrow
- Duration (integer): Specifies how long the effect will last when the arrow strikes the target.
- e.g. /summon SpectralArrow ~ ~5 ~ {Duration:200}
- Entity: Shulker
- Peek (byte): Percentage to indicate the progress of its idle and attacking animations, so the height of its shell is correctly updated.
- AttachFace (byte): Determines the direction the shulker has attached to a block face. ***Summoning shulkers will make them attach to the ground by default.
- APX, APY, APZ (int): Set of integer coordinates that the shulker should be located at.
- These coordinates will be obtained from the coordinates entered by a /summon command through a truncation function.
- Entity: ShulkerBullet
- Used to track the target location of shulker projectiles.
- Relevant NBT structure: {Steps:1,TXD:0.0,TYD:0.0,TZD:0.0,Dir:0,Owner:{X:0,Y:0,Z:0,L:1L,M:1L},Target:{X:0,Y:0,Z:0,L:1L,M:1L}}
- Entity: MinecartHopper
- Enabled (byte): Determines whether or not the minecart hopper will pick up items into its inventory.
- e.g. /summon MinecartHopper ~ ~1 ~ {Enabled:1b}
- Entity: EnderCrystal
- BeamTarget (compound): Used to assign a custom target to the beam.
- e.g. /summon EnderCrystal ~ ~1 ~ {BeamTarget:{X:1,Y:2,Z:3}}
- Entity: EnderDragon
- DragonPhase (integer): determines the current action the dragon will complete.
- e.g. /summon EnderDragon ~ ~1 ~ {DragonPhase:7}
- Entity: EntityHorse
- SkeletonTrap (byte): Indicates whether the horse is a skeleton trap.
- If it is, the horse will spawn 4 skeleton horses, ridden by skeletons and a lightning bolt in its place when a player gets within 10 blocks of it.
- e.g. /summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~10 {SkeletonTrap:1b}
- SkeletonTrapTime (integer), incremented each tick when SkeletonTrap is set to 1. The mob automatically despawns when it reaches 18000 (15 minutes). This will prevent the hostile horses from overflowing the world, similar to chicken jockeys.
- e.g. /summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~10 {SkeletonTrap:1b,SkeletonTrapTime:17980}
- Entity: Boat
- Type (string): Determines the wood material of the boat that is displayed. Values are: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark_oak.
- e.g. /summon Boat ~ ~1 ~ {Type:"acacia"}
- Tile: Chests/Minecart chests
- LootTable (string): Loot table to be used to fill the chest when it is next opened or destroyed. When the chest is part of a double chest, only the half corresponding to the tagged single-chest will be affected.
- e.g. /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest 0 replace {LootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"}
- LootTableSeed (long): Seed for generating the loot table. Used in vanilla survival to replicate chest content in new worlds with same seeds. 0 or omitted will use a random seed.
- /setblock x y z minecraft:chest 0 replace {LootTable:"chests/simple_dungeon",LootTableSeed:12345}
- Tile: Command Blocks
- auto (byte): When set to 1, the command block will no longer require a redstone signal in order to activate.
- When applied to an impulse mode block, its command will activate only once right after finishing writing the command.
- When applied to a repeat mode block, it will constantly activate every tick.
- When applied to a chain mode block, it will always be available to activate its signal when called.
- e.g. /blockdata X Y Z {auto:1b}
- ConditionMet (byte): States whether or not the command block behind the conditional command block was successful in output. Will be 1 if that block is successful and 0 if unsuccessful.
- Non-conditional command blocks will always be 1.
- e.g. /testforblock X Y Z minecraft:command_block -1 {conditionMet:1b}
- Tile: Command blocks & note blocks
- powered (byte): now have the "powered" tag associated with them, stating whether or not the block is currently receiving a redstone signal.
- They can be edited through block data so the block are activating even though no redstone is adjacent.
- Changing a command block through the "always active" toggle, effectively makes that command block to always have a 1 powered state, even when the block is updated.
- e.g. /blockdata X Y Z {powered:1b}
- Tile: Brewing stands
- Fuel (byte): Stores how much fuel is remaining in a brewing stand
- e.g. /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:brewing_stand 0 replace {Fuel:127b}
- Tile: End gateway portal (minecraft:end_gateway)
- ExitPortal (compound): Holds a set of X/Y/Z coordinates to determine the general location the player will be "safely" teleported to when entering.
- ExactTeleport (byte): When set to 1, it teleports entities to the specified coordinates exactly instead of at a safer location around those coordinates.
- Age (long): Determines how long the end gateway has existed.
- When lower than 200, the block will emit a purple beam.
- This is to easily locate the gateway when it first spawns.
- e.g. /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:end_gateway 0 replace {Age:180,ExactTeleport:1,ExitPortal:{X:1,Y:2,Z:3}}
Command blocks
- New "repeat" and "chain" variants of command blocks.
- Have a blue and green texture respectively.
- The old orange variant is now called "impulse" (see the below section on changes to command blocks, for more info).
- New textures that now vary depending on what direction they are placed from, similar to dispensers and pistons.
- It consists of a front, a back and a side texture (looks like arrows), so the orientation can be easily determined.
- The texture is animated - the colored "buttons" in the middle change color.
- The middle panel texture has a black outline.
- Impulse mode (orange): Command is run once on rising edge.
- Same behavior and color as previous versions.
- Repeat mode (blue): Command is run every game tick while powered.
- Like a minecart with command block but faster.
- Chain mode (green): Command is run whenever another command block pointing into it executes, and the chain command block itself is powered.
- The chain signal is forwarded until the blocks get out of loaded chunks.
- The signal is independent of the powered state of any block in the chain, as well as the command (or lack thereof) inside.
- Each new mode has its own block id and is obtainable with /give and pick block.
- Power received is now a data tag, allowing command blocks to have such a state under control, independent of any nearby redstone signal.
- "Unconditional" and "Conditional" toggle.
- Defaults to unconditional (previous behavior).
- The back of the arrow texture is curved when the command block is set to conditional.
- When conditional is set, the command block will only run if the command in the block of the "back" side was successful.
- "Needs Redstone" and "Always Active" toggle.
- Needs redstone is the previous behavior (default).
- Always active causes the command block to behave as if it was powered, even if it is updated.
- Support tab auto-completion.
Info is from minecraft gamepedeia
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